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Customs transport companies

Hans Geis GmbH + Co KG Internationale Spedition
Rudolf-Diesel-Ring 24
DE, 97616 Bad Neustadt
+49 9771 603-0
+49 9771 603-319 VAT: DE 132198447
Hegelmann Transporte UAB
Agronomijos g. 55
LT, 47480 Kaunas
00370 37 301 140
00370 37 788 699 VAT: LT100001000210
Hellmann East Europe GmbH & Co. KG
Canthalstrasse 7
DE, 63450 Hanau
+49 6181-4280-0
+49 6181-4280-9221 VAT: DE814 901841
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics GmbH
Wilhelm-Spazier-Str. 2
AT, 5020 Salzburg
+436628249731021 VAT: ATU36878303
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf Diesel Strasse 12
DE, 54516 Wittlich
+49 6571 / 918 - 0
+49 6571 / 918 492 VAT: DE 11 76 59 402
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics GmbH & Co. KG
Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 7
DE, 28197 Bremen
0421/522-3600 VAT: DE 11 76 59 402
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Ltd.
Lancaster Way
GB, WS13 8SX Lichfield
00 44 1543 44 33 19 VAT: GB180776931
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Polska Sp. z o.o.
Sokołowska 10
PL, 05-090 Raszyn
+48 22 717 97 00
+48 22 717 97 05 VAT: PL123-00-05-823
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics UAB
Dariaus ir Girėno 81
LT, 02189 Vilnius
+37052641004 VAT: LT100002977817
Hellmann Worlwide Logistics, S.A.
C/Adaptación, 33 2ª Planta - P.I Los Olivos
ES, 28906 Getafe
0034 91 8773228
0034 91 8838837 VAT: ESA61898870
Heppner Societe de Transports SAS
8, rue de la Station
FR, 67027 Strasbourg
+33 3 88 31 99 70
+33 3 88 31 99 47 VAT: FR77 769 800 202
Himex Logistics B.V.
Marconistraat 23
NL, 7575 AR Oldenzaal
+31-541 551159 VAT: NL820146973B01
Hofstetter + Co. AG
Venedig-Strasse 37, Dreispitz Münchenstein
CH, 4002 Basel
0041613374968 VAT: 252079
Holship Norge AS
Støperigaten 7
NO, 3040 Drammen
+47 32260100
+47 32260101 VAT: NO976549015

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